Commonly Asked Questions

Porn is crushing men, destroying relationships and families, and harming our ability to love. We created STRIVE as a powerful 21-day detox to help men get the necessary tools in place to start on a path toward freedom.

A practical step-by-step plan to break free from pornography, lifetime access to the library of STRIVE content, and a supportive community of men from around the world journeying together.

No, this is for any man who engages in pornography and/or masturbation at any level. Whether you are doing this every day or only occasionally falling, that’s a clear red flag that something is off internally and needs to be dealt with.

You simply cannot continue to engage in pornography and/or masturbation and love others rightly. And this is such a slippery slope. Porn use always leads to more porn use and more deviant forms of porn use. That’s what the science is telling us. When we no longer get aroused at the more “vanilla" forms of pornography, we seek something a little more edgy which becomes a little more violent and soon we find ourselves in a place we never dreamed we would be. We want to help you stop that vicious cycle before you go to that place.

STRIVE was designed for men ages 18+.

Parents, if you want to show STRIVE to your teen, we would suggest you first sign up as the parent, and then choose which videos and content to share with them.

The issue is that there are some mature topics we get into, but also within the comments men really open up and share their own struggles. So it’s best for a parent to filter it.

You’re welcome to show whatever you feel is appropriate.

There is certainly no quick fix or silver bullet that will instantly break you free from porn use, and we are using the term "detox" in a colloquial sense. That said, we do know that in 21 days you can be set up for success with the tools you need to be set on the right path toward freedom.

STRIVE is an innovative approach that combines proven and powerful tools and a growing community of men from around the world.

The hyper-focus and intensity that we guide you through throughout the 21 days is very effective. We understand very well that if you are truly addicted to pornography or drugs or anything for that matter, there will be plenty of work to do beyond the 21-day detox. We do not claim that at the end of the 21 days you’ll be forever free from any temptation to look at pornography.

We are setting you up for success with a combination of proven spiritual, psychological, and technological tools that set you on the path toward freedom and point you toward the ongoing help that you may need.

Most men struggling with pornography don’t know where to begin or have received insufficient advice. With STRIVE we’re looking at all aspects of our human condition: emotions, brain science, faith, etc., to create a roadmap that you can tailor to your own personal walk to finally find the freedom you’re looking for.

So many times we look at this as either a spiritual or psychological issue, and frankly, that results in a lot of insufficient or bad advice. We’ve sorted through all that and have put together 21 days that lead you to the tools, technology, spiritual insights, and the very critical proper mind and heart perspective that’s needed to move beyond this issue and live a life as a man fully alive.

We created both Catholic and Protestant versions of STRIVE. This powerful 21-day porn detox is designed for Christian men looking to overcome porn, and for any man who is honestly seeking the truth about their identity and mission in life.

Yes, you can be completely anonymous through the challenge, or be as public as you desire. We understand this is a very difficult issue that many, many men are dealing with. You can register using just your initials, you can use only your first name, or you can create a pseudonym to remain completely anonymous. We do know, however, that recovery from any serious issue like this only works when there is support and accountability involved. So we ask every man to at least find one accountability partner and we equip him with tools and technology to do that, including free access to Covenant Eyes for 14 days from the start date of their STRIVE challenge.

Yes! Subtitles are available in Spanish for each video. Click on "CC" on the bottom right side of the video player.

The Spanish text is also available in the downloads section for each day.

Absolutely! Please click Ministry Resources up top to learn more.

We strongly suggest you journey through life with an ally to keep you accountable. We make suggestions in the challenge on how to choose one.Ā Itā€™s not required but a powerfulĀ aid in breaking free from pornography.

There's no cost! We are offering you access to this powerful tool FOR FREE!

Yes. You will always have lifetime access to the all the videos, content, and online comments.


I forgot my login/password. If you're not sure about your login details, please visit: and click on the "forgot password" link at the bottom. An email will be sent to the address that was used when you first purchased STRIVE, and you'll be able to reset your password.

I did not receive a daily email. Please check your spam/junk folder since it may have been sent there. You can login by going to to see today’s video and challenge. The daily email just links you there to login. Once in, each day you can refresh and click the arrow under the video player to move to the next day’s content.

I'm having other technical issues. We're here to help! Please contact us at [email protected] and one of our team members will get back to you asap. 

We want to help! The quickest way to get ahold of us is to fill out the form on the Contact Us page by clicking here. We will be back in touch ASAP.


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